The International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Nepal, in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour, Employment, and Social Security (MoLESS), Tribhuvan University’s Central Department of Population Studies (CDPS), and the National Planning Commission, conducted the second edition of the Migration School from 12-25 February. Recognizing the need for a holistic approach to migration, the module was inspired by the successful first edition, which saw students graduating in September 2023.
In the second batch, a total of 38 participants, with 42 per cent women, came from academia, government, media outlets, and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) background. Over the two weeks, various topics were addressed by international and national experts from international organizations, governments, universities, NGOs, and CSOs, strengthening participants’ knowledge and skills on migration. They left the course equipped with the right tools to make migration for the benefit of all.
The School covered various key themes, including but not restricted to the exploration of theories and definitions related to migration, internal migration, and displacement within Nepal. Exploring into regional labor migration, emphasis was placed on the pivotal role of remittances in bolstering the Nepalese economy. The discourse extended to issues such as global migration trends, migration theories, transnational organized crime, human rights, and the intricate intersections of migration with gender, inclusion, climate change, and disasters.
Overall, the second batch was celebrated as a success, and the team is planning the organization of its third edition.
For further information, please visit the IOM Regional Office of Asia and Pacific:
- IOM, Tribhuvan University Launch the Second Edition of the Migration School (16 February 2024)
- IOM, Partners Host Closing Ceremony for the Second Edition of the Migration School (28 February 2024)
Quick Links
- – Syllabus
- – InfoSheet
- – Student’s Final Presentation
- – Testimonials from Students (Text)
- – Testimonials from Students (Video)